About Transformational SME

What We Do

Transformational SME is a vibrant, diverse and international community of Christians who are committed to the potential and practice of business for the common good.  Using the extensive business experience of our community, and applying rigorous criteria, we advise a third-party private impact fund on the best ways to deploy its capital to produce the best Kingdom returns on a quadruple bottom line basis: social impact, spirtual impact, environmental stewardship, and financial sustainability.

The capital pooled in the TSME fund is then patiently deployed into carefully screened SMEs which meet rigorous TSME criteria.


TSME assigns investor-mentors to every business for post-investment follow-up. This results in enhanced accountability, support, and impact.

Where appropriate, TSME also assists BAM companies with strategic recruitment needs, leveraging its extensive international network and partnerships.


Extensive Experience

The TSME management team is composed of individuals with extensive experience in SME business ownership and growth, international business, impact investing, entrepreneurship, finance, business strategy, marketing and sales, human resources, governance, general business management across multiple industry sectors, environmental stewardship, and diverse geo-political and socio-religious settings.

TSME has networks and local partners in North and South America, Europe, Africa, the Middle East, Asia and Oceania. We collaborate together to cast vision and provide effective on-ramps for involvement in the dynamic Business as Mission movement of which TSME is a part.

Across North Africa, the Middle East, and Asia

In over 22 years, TSME has facilitated more than 130 loan offers totaling over $19m to over 70 companies in 27 countries. These loan offerings were supported by over 289 investors residing in more than 25 countries.

Loan Offers

Million Dollars

