Why Business as Mission
What is Business as Mission?
“Business as Mission” (BAM) is a term applied to a powerful, lively movement of God’s Spirit across the globe, whereby Christian business women and men are participating in genuine commercial enterprise for intentional, transformational, holistic, Christ-honouring impact.
The BAM movement embraces a set of common characteristics for a missional business lifestyle as followers of Jesus Christ:
BAM is intentional about having a Kingdom of God purpose and impact on individuals, communities and nations
BAM companies aim for profitability and generational continuity
BAM companies are concerned about the world’s poorest, marginalised, and those least reached with the good news about Jesus Christ
Why Business as Mission?
Business is a valuable and indispensable part of society, created and given by God for the common good. For Christians, the practice of business is as sacred a calling as any other vocation. Like salt and light, the truth and grace of the Gospel is meant to permeate and influence every aspect of the business environment and the global marketplace. This is part of the redemptive mission of God in our world and in this generation.
Business has the unique capacity to create jobs and create wealth. Business has the responsibility to do so in a context of dignity and justice. Business generates life-changing opportunities and has the potential to help bring practical solutions to a host of challenges facing the human family.
We believe that facilitating Christians in business is part of God’s mission in the world today, and that TSME is a strategic initiative to help God’s people respond to this challenge.