Where We Work
North Africa, the Middle East, and Asia
TSME is focused on Business-as-Mission (BAM) companies in North Africa, the Middle East and Asia. There are several reasons for this:
- The Christian presence in this region is typically very small (<2%), and, frequently, Christians are exposed to prejudice and persecution.
- Generally these economies are poor, with frequently distorted markets, pronounced environmental degradation, and geo-political and/or socio-religious instability.
- On average, these countries score poorly on the UN HDI (Human Development Index) and/or marginalized communities within the country are particularly disadvantaged with respect to basic human flourishing.
- Labour is abundant, but often untrained and without dignified opportunity due to gender, ethnicity, religion or other factors.
- The ethical environment, ease of doing business, and performance against other widely recognized metrics conducive to a healthy economy, present serious obstacles.
- Access to capital is limited whether due to liquidity, cost, prejudice, risk aversion, policy controls, or other factors.
- Christians in business are even more rare, either due to limited opportunity, or, sadly, to a conceptual misunderstanding of the role of business. Christians often have a worldview shaped by an unbiblical dualism.
- The majority populations of this region represent people groups which by any fair and reasonable measure have less access to the message of Christ.
A Prophetic Calling
As a consequence, the combination of the potency of authentic SME initiatives and the profound needs and challenges of this region represents for TSME a clear call to action and strategic involvement. It represents for TSME a prophetic calling to “do justice, love kindness and walk humbly with your God” (Micah 6.8).