Serving in a BAM Company
Are you called to and available for an involvement in God’s mission in a cross-cultural setting?
Do you have professional and/or business skills and experience that may be relevant to a BAM enterprise?

Your Role
We recognize the essential importance of “business builders” in the BAM ecosystem. While you may not be an entrepreneur (or “business creator”) your role in a BAM company should not be underestimated.
We work with companies to help them find the right people, with the right heart, talents, experience and commitment to add capacity, bring encouragement, and contribute significantly to the holistic impact of the BAM SME.
Opportunities hardly ever require formal seminary or Bible college training. Language and culture acquisition are generally desirable, and may be required to varying degrees. Time commitment typically is for a minimum of two years in order to make the relevant adjustments and contribute value through credible job performance in the company and to build authentic relationships in and through the business. Compensation or equivalent benefits, at a locally appropriate level and commensurate with the company’s capacity, is a legitimate expectation; conversely, salaries at advanced economy levels are rare. Shorter term project-oriented assignments or volunteer internships may be available. Developing relationships with a commissioning, sending, and supporting community is essential for effective service in all of these situations.
We maintain a current roster of BAM service opportunities. We work closely with strategic partners to mobilize and deploy the right person for the right business.
Contact us if you would like to enquire how you can serve in a BAM company through Transformational SME.