Welcome to the first of three 14 to 18 minute videos, explaining and portraying the global BAM movement.

The modern-day BAM movement is young, 25 years or so. In a three-part video series, we will shortly describe the global BAM movement, its past, present and future.

In part 1 you will learn how the BAM concept was developed, and get glimpses of the early beginnings of BAM around the globe. Part 2 will give an overview of the global movement and its various constituencies. Lastly and looking forward, part 3 will describe some of the challenges and BHAGs (Big Hairy Audacious Goals) that BAM Global has identified.

As we start this series, please note that Business as Mission, BAM, is a relatively new term, but it is an old concept deeply rooted in Scripture, and well-grounded in our Judeo-Christian tradition.

TransformationalSME has been a key leader from the early days of the BAM movement, and has given significant contributions clarifying the concept and building the global BAM movement.

TSME blog series: BAM Past
This video series was produced by and for the School of Business & Entrepreneurship (SOBE). They “teach you to use business as a tool to see God’s redemption and transformation in a culture, with a specific focus of impacting the least-reached peoples on the planet.” The presenter is Mats Tunehag, internationally known BAM speaker, author and co-chair of the BAM Global Team.