Who We Are

We are a global community of Christians with a passion for business as a means by which the Kingdom of God can be demonstrated, proclaimed and extended among the nations to bring shalom to all.

We advise investors and qualifying companies, and combine this with high-quality mentoring and assistance in strategic talent search to facilitate their growth and sustained impact.

Serving Companies
At Transformational SME we desire to serve BAM companies by providing financial investment, focused mentoring & coaching, and strategic consulting services.
Serving Investors
Serving BAMers
Transformational SME is committed to helping BAM practitioners fulfill their God-given calling to serve the nations through business, and to see workers for the harvest equipped and sent.
Business as Mission (BAM) Companies
Missional business can, and should be profitable, in order to have authentic impact. Facilitating Christians in business is part of God’s mission in the world today, and Transformational SME can assist Christian entrepreneurs and business builders in our target region to develop and lead profitable, effective, Christ-honouring companies.

Christian Investors & Mentors
Serving & Job Opportunities
In addition to entrepreneurs – business creators – BAM companies need “business builders” to use their skills and help carry the company forward. At TSME, we work with strategic partners to mobilize and deploy the right people, with the right heart, talents, experience, and commitment into existing BAM companies for enhanced capacity and impact.

Customer Stories
Wounded Healers in the Marketplace
Life with Christ is not a story from rags to riches. It is not about being successful with our plans. We are not called to be successful but faithful to God, and to say yes to his calling to be a part of his story – not ours. Just like Mary. She was invited to be part...
What’s Next for the Global BAM Movement?
Learn about some of the challenges before us, and the BHAGs (Big Hairy Audacious Goals) we need to address.
An Overview of the Global BAM Movement
An overview of today’s global movement and its various constituencies.
How the Global BAM Movement Emerged
Learn how the BAM concept was developed, and get glimpses of the early beginnings of BAM around the globe.
Let Nothing Be Wasted
When I grew up it was a must to eat all the food on your plate. A rationale behind this was stewardship, but also respect and gratitude for having food on the table – every day. In affluent societies this tends to be forgotten and not practiced any more, or only to a...